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Mailing Lists That Work! Direct Marketing--ListsThatWork
Click on the datacard name below to view the details.
Datacard                Summary
Alternative Health Response Buyers This database has been created especially to target the consumer seeking alternative health treatments and information, a more spiritual approach to life's problems and opportunities, and even job performance. Includes consumer major interests and professional categories. Good for subscriptions, book/video catalogs, seminar/conferences, travel, health resources catalogs, and professional sales programs. Some phones available.
Alternative Health & Self Improvement Professionals Millions are seeking resources to help bridge the gap between daily life and the cosmic. This database has been created especially to target the professional who provides services and products to satisfy these needs. This list is excellent for subscriptions, book/video catalogs, seminars/ conferences, travel, health resource catalogs, and professional sales programs.
Astrology & New Age New Age publishers, music producers, and products that help provide consumers with spirituality and belief. These consumers have sought out products, books, and conferences, organized by category of interest. This list is 100% home addresses. 65% female
Ayurvedic Enthusiasts & Services This list is comprised of affluent consumers at home addresses who have sought Ayurvedic treatment and products. Purchasers of herbs and other vitamin supplements, received treatment at Ayurvedic clinics and from Ayurvedic consultants, and subscribed to or requested information on Ayurvedic lifestyles.
Business of Buddhism Buddhist products and services. Select by general interest. 30% with phones.
Compassion Activists These spiritually-minded individuals have shown their interest in compassion projects and activities through their purchases, memberships, subscriptions, volunteerism, and donations.
Feng Shui Consumers Showing special attention to the divine order of Feng Shui, these affluent consumers have consulted advice from experts and purchased their books or services.
Grief Counseling A list appropriate for not only the issue of grieving for the loss of a loved one, but also relating to downsizing, insecure jobs, managed health care, addictions, and aging. Pastoral care now has included counseling for job loss, family tensions, divorce, care of aging parents, financial stress and so on.
Hospice Care These professionals run hospice programs, provide services, and manage the business of hospice.They responded to offers for pastoral care publications, information for the families of hospice patients, and applied for membership in a world-wide pastoral care organization.
Spirituality & Health These mail-responsive consumers have indicated their interest and understanding of the connection between a healthy spiritual life and a healthy physical life by the purchases of books, tapes, and various items. 67% of the lists are female. 100% home addresses. Some phones available.
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